What is the Plymouth Independent?

The PI is a nonprofit online news organization focused on Plymouth, and free to readers. We cover a wide range of topics, from local government and politics to business to education to the environment to culture and more. We also offer space for informed opinion from readers and strive to act as a community gathering space by providing access to basic information – like police logs, important dates, and public meeting videos – in one convenient place.

What are we trying to accomplish?

We strive to foster a sense of community and to encourage civic engagement through thoroughly researched journalism that includes accountability reporting and public conversation.

What is our mission?

The Plymouth Independent is a nonprofit digital news organization based in Plymouth and dedicated to serving the local community. Our mission is to inform and engage the public on important local issues, including government, education, culture and the environment, through our commitment to accuracy, professionalism and ethical journalism. We maintain editorial independence and a firewall between our news coverage decisions and our sources of funding to ensure that our journalism is free from fear or favor. Our goal is to promote transparency, accountability, and community engagement through reliable, fact-based journalism.

Who owns the Plymouth Independent?

The Plymouth Independent is a Massachusetts non-profit organization incorporated as Plymouth Rock Publishing Corp, and an IRS-determined 501(c)(3) Public Charity. No individual person or group owns the Plymouth Independent.

How are we funded?

Our professional journalism will be free to the public. To fund the organization, we are developing a variety of revenue streams – individual contributions, foundation grants, sponsorships and more. We are not dependent on traditional newspaper advertising.

How do I become a business sponsor?

It’s easy. To find out more, please contact patrick@plymouthindependent.org.

Who makes decisions about what gets covered?

The editor, working with reporters, determines the site’s editorial content. The board of directors is not involved in making news decisions.

Does the PI take editorial stands on issues?

While we encourage strong-voiced, informed writing, we do not publish editorials that take a particular position on any issue. We strive to be nonpartisan in our reporting, offering a wide range of viewpoints. We also offer readers who are willing to be identified a forum to express their opinions.

Why can’t I leave comments on the website?

We live in an age where anonymous opinions are rampant across various social media platforms. Too often, such comments devolve into vitriolic or unrelated subjects. If you want to comment on a story, simply send a letter to letters@plymouthindependent.org. Be sure to include your full name and a telephone number (for verification purposes only).