We believe that journalism as a public service should be free to the community. That’s why the support of donors like you is critical.

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To ensure our sustainability, we’re encouraging ongoing monthly donations. A commitment of any size, tailored to your budget, will make a world of difference in supporting our soon-to-be journalism team.

Your consistent backing helps us build a solid foundation for our future news organization, allowing us to focus on what we’re passionate about – delivering the news that matters most to Plymouth.

Please Note: Plymouth Independent is waiting for its tax-exempt status – 501(c)(3) – to be processed by the IRS. While that is pending, donations made by credit card are not tax deductible. If you prefer to make a tax deductible donation now, you can by check! See below for more info.

Donate by Check

To make a tax deductible donation to the Plymouth Independent, please enter information on your check as follows:

(1) make the check payable to “The New Bedford Light” and, most importantly,

(2) write Plymouth Independent on the memo line.

You can mail to our Plymouth office at:
Plymouth Independent
15 Richard’s Rd
Plymouth, MA 02360

The Plymouth Independent is a Massachusetts non-profit news organization filing for tax-exempt status. While we wait a few months for that to be processed by the IRS, we have partnered with the New Bedford Light to act on our behalf as our fiscal sponsor. This will ensure all donations made through the process above are tax-deductible for our donors.

The New Bedford Light and Plymouth Independent share similar missions, and we are grateful for their support through this fiscal sponsorship.

Questions? We can be reached at contact@plymouthindependent.org.

Thank you for supporting free independent journalism.

Your donation will help the Plymouth Independent dig deeply into issues that affect the quality of life for all of us – issues that include education, the environment, public safety, development, town and county spending decisions, and Plymouth’s vibrant arts and culture scene. Our goal is to promote transparency, accountability and community engagement through reliable, fact-based reporting.

View our full donor list here.

Thank you to all of our generous donors.

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